Mobile META tags can be used in XHTML-MP and HTML markup to tag the document as optimized for mobile devices. . The content value of the Viewport META tag is a comma-delimited list of .
meta tag list document
The following list outlines how and where META tags are added to a WordPress blog by this plugin. . Document Info. Permalink Both comments and pings are currently closed. .
Short tutorial on the use of meta tags . You should insert the meta tag element at the top of your document, just after . Dictionary of meta tags and a list of RFC sources
F�r jede Meta-Angabe notieren Sie ein Meta-Tag im HTML-Dateikopf. Es . und ber�cksichtigt alle wichtigen Angaben, die zu einem Dokument im WWW gemacht werden k�nnen. Die Meta .
. end, ht://Dig will recognize some special tag . can be used between the and tags of a document. . of meta tag list document this property should be a blank separated list .
. elements may be contained in the HEAD of a document. META's . There is no standard list of META properties, so authors may . Web Design Group, WDG, <meta> tag, <META> tag">
An etymological dictionary of HTML META, REL and REV tags, and HTTP headers, as used to improve search engine indexing, select character sets, etc.
Start tag: optional, End tag: . to specify the author of a document, one may use the META element . used to identify properties of a document (e.g., author, expiration date, a list .
How to use the META tag to have . Community; QUICK LIST; CSS . You can also use tags to ensure that the browser does not
cache the HTML document.
Meta tags list information about the
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