In various mythologies and folk magic, sitting is a magical act that connects the person who sits, with other persons, states or places where he/she sat.
Sitting Down cartoons from the CartoonStock directory - the world's largest on . Related topics: sit, sitting, sits, sat, sit down, sitting down, relax, relaxing, .
sit (
Sitting cartoons from the CartoonStock directory - the world's largest on-line . too late, seat, seats, sat, sitting, sits, cleaning, cleans, the argyle sweater, .
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to be seated NASB Word Usage dwell (1), live (1), sat (15), sat down (4), seated (5), sit (16), sit down (1), sits (12), sitting (33), sitting down (3).
sit (s t) v. sat (s t), sit�ting, sits. v.intr. 1. To rest with the torso vertical and the body supported on the buttocks. 2. a. To rest with the hindquarters lowered onto a .
. sits, sitting; past and past part. sat /sat/
sit - � verb (sits, sitting; past and past participle sat sat) 1. be or cause to be in a position in which one's weight is supported by one's buttocks rather than one's feet .
What's more, Solomon is now sitting on the royal throne as king. English . Besides Kingdom Moreover Royal Sat Seat Seated Sits Sitteth Sitting Solomon Throne
In various mythologies and folk magic, sitting is a magical act that connects the person who sits, with other persons, states or places where he/she sat. Sitting defecation posture
The act or position of one that sits. 2. A period during sat, sits, sitting -> [sitting] . Incubating a nest of eggs: a sitting hen. 2. Occupying an . Sat as still as a bird sleeping on a limb
Birds Death Fed Filled Flesh Forth Fowls Full Goes Horse Issues Killed Mouth Proceeded Proceedeth Proceeding Remnant Rest Rider Sat Sits Sitting Slain Sword Themselves
sat, sits, sitting -> [sitting]
of sitting. sitting synonyms, pronunciation, spelling . or weigh; -- with on; as, a weight or burden sits . (b) To begin a siege; as, the enemy sat down before the .
Englisch-Deutsch-�bersetzung f�r sitting im Online-W�rterbuch dict.cc . to sit | sat | sat sitting | sits
. sit down rather than sit to say that someone moves into a sitting position
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