Journal of Medical Ethics - Company Overview: Editors Professor S�ren Holm Cardiff University Cardiff, UK holms@cardiff.ac.uk Professor John Harris University of Manchester .
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An international peer-reviewed journal for health professionals and researchers in medical ethics
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Journal of Medical Ethics: journal of medical ethics Title Subject Authors; Advance directives.(Editorial) Philosophy and religion: Hope, Tony: Aftercare for participants in clinical research: ethical .
JME Online - Journal of Medical Ethics . An international peer-reviewed journal for health professionals and researchers in medical ethics
INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS Vol II No 4 October-December 2005 (incorporating Issues in Medical Ethics, cumulative Vol XIII No 4) www.issuesinmedicalethics.org The health .
The Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine is the official scientific publication of the Medical Ethics and History of Medicine of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
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Free Journal of Medical Ethics articles at AccessMyLibrary.com - Search information that libraries trust!
Virtual Mentor is a monthly bioethics journal published by the American Medical Association.
Information about two of the USAs peer reviewed journals, The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics and The American Journal of Law and Medicine.
. is now also home to all three of the journals in the AJOB family: The American Journal . Cultural Attitudes Towards Medical Ethics; Women and Genetics in Contemporary Society
Subject: Journal of Medical Ethics Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 12:52:14 -0500 (EST) Journal of Medical Ethics
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