Ein Problem mit der Interpretation des Begriffes ist, dass . George Dowdall, Barbara Moeykens, Sonia Castillo: Health and Behavioral Consequences of Binge Drinking in College.
A University of Washington study has found that people who began binge drinking at age 13 and continued throughout adolescence were nearly four times as binge drinking health problems likely to be .
How aware are young adult females (18-25) of the health problems associated with binge drinking? I'm doing my psychology dissertation on the topic and would .
As the 24-hour licensing laws have done little to alleviate the problem, we look at who is affected by this blight, the health risks involved and open the binge drinking debate.
Britain's binge drinking culture is costing the country �20bn a . urgently with strong recommendations to tackle the problem, including labelling of alcohol content and health .
Oct. 5, 2010 -- Binge drinking is a "huge public health problem" in the U.S., yet most of us don't know it's a problem, the CDC today announced. Because 80% of binge .
Behavior and health problems in teen-agers may be
linked to the drinking patterns of their fathers, a new study finds. (Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, Dec-2002)
a beautiful wife and children a great house and a great job. binge drinking health problems But . Binge Drinking is Serious Public Health Problem
Binge drinking is dangerous because it puts teens at risk for a variety of health problems, both now and in the future, and impairs their ability to make smart choices.
Physical Health. Studies show that people
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